Amiga Plus 1995 #5 & #6
Amiga Plus CD - 1995 - No. 5 and 6.iso
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;;; -*- Lisp-Interaction -*- ;;; Version: 03-Jul-95 ;;;
;;; AmyBoard Installation script
;;; Copyright (C) 1995, Free Software Foundation
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Author: Jochen Wiedmann
;;; Am Eisteich 9
;;; 72555 Metzingen
;;; Germany
;;; Phone: (0049) +7123 / 14881
;;; Internet: wiedmann@neckar-alb.de
;;; Variable settings
(set installVersion "3.3.pl0")
(set installName "AmyBoard")
;(set installProgram (cat installName "-" installVersion))
(set installProgram installName)
(set minOsVersion 37)
(set minMuiVersion 8)
;;; SelectInstallDir procedure
;;; Allows the user to select an installation directory (full path),
;;; which will be stored in the installDir variable.
(procedure SelectInstallDir
(set installDir-Parent (expandpath (askdir
(prompt "Please select the installation directory. "
"A drawer " installProgram " will be created."
(help installName " is installed in a separate directory. "
"A typical place is something like `Work:" installProgram
"' or something similar. In this example you should select "
"the directory `Work:'.\n\n"
(default @default-dest)
(set installDir (tackon installDir-Parent installProgram))
(set @default-dest installDir)
(message "Installing in " installDir)
;;; CheckOsVersion procedure
;;; Aborts, if OS version is lower than the variable minOsVersion.
;;; Sets osVersion variable.
(procedure CheckOsVersion
(set osVersion (/ (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 65536))
(if (< osVersion minOsVersion)
( (abort "Sorry, " installName
" needs Kickstart/Workbench 2.04 or higher.")
;;; CheckMuiVersion procedure
;;; Aborts, if MUI isn't installed or the version is lower than
;;; minMuiVersion.
;;; Sets muiVersion variable.
(procedure CheckMuiVersion
(set muiVersion (/ (getversion "libs:muimaster.library") 65536))
(if (< muiVersion minMuiVersion)
( (abort "Sorry, you don't seem to have installed MUI version "
" 2.0 or higher.")
;;; ShowCopyrightMessage procedure
(procedure ShowCopyrightMessage
(message installName ": GNU Chess and ICS frontend\n\n"
"V" installVersion " © 1995 Jochen Wiedmann\n\n"
"This program is FREE SOFTWARE; you can redistribute it and/or "
"modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as "
"published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 "
"or any later version.\n\n"
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, "
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY! See the GNU General Public License "
"(in the file COPYING) for details."
;;; CreateDrawer procedure
;;; Creates a new drawer.
;;; Uses: drawerName drawer's name
(procedure CreateDrawer
(makedir drawerName
(prompt ("Creating drawer %s " drawerName))
;;; CheckObsoleteDir procedure
;;; Asks the user if he wants an "obsolete" directory and creates it,
;;; if this is the case. The name will be stored in installObsoleteDir
;;; in that case, otherwise this variable will receive the value "".
;;; Uses: installDir name of installation directory
(set installObsoleteDirChecked 0)
(procedure CheckObsoleteDir
(if (NOT installObsoleteDirChecked)
( (set installObsoleteDir (tackon installDir "obsolete"))
(if (<> (exists installObsoleteDir) 2)
( (makedir installObsoleteDir
(prompt "Creating a directory " installObsoleteDir " to keep "
"old prefs files and icons."
(help "Old prefs files and icons may be prevented from "
"deletion by copying them to " installObsoleteDir
". You may skip this part, if you don't want this.\n\n"
(if (<> (exists installObsoleteDir) 2)
( (set installObsoleteDir "")
(set installObsoleteDirChecked 1)
;;; CheckObsoletefile procedure
;;; Uses: checkObsoleteFileName name of file to be copyied into the
;;; obsolete directory (relative to
;;; installDir)
;;; installObsoleteDir name of the "obsolete" directory
;;; installDir name of the installation directory
(procedure CheckObsoleteFile
(if (exists checkObsoleteFileName)
( (CheckObsoleteDir)
(if installObsoleteDir
( (copyfiles
(prompt ("Preserving old file %s ..." checkObsoleteFileName))
(help "The old icon " checkObsoleteFileName " may be preserved "
"by copying it to " installObsoleteDir ". You may skip "
"this part, if you don't want this.\n\n"
(source checkObsoleteFileName)
(dest installObsoleteDir)
(optional "oknodelete" "force" "askuser")
;;; CreateIcon procedure
;;; Creates an icon
;;; Uses: iconName path of icon to create (".info" removed)
;;; iconSource path of icon to use
;;; iconSave 1, if CheckObsoleteFile should be called
;;; to save the icon, 0 otherwise
(procedure CreateIcon
(set iconFullName (cat iconName ".info"))
(if iconSave
( (set checkObsoleteFileName iconFullName)
(if (NOT (exists iconFullName))
( (if (exists iconSource)
( (transcript "Creating icon " iconFullName)
(prompt "Copying " (fileonly iconName) " icon ...")
(source iconSource)
(dest (pathonly iconName))
(newname (fileonly iconFullName))
(optional "oknodelete" "askuser")
( (transcript iconSource " not found, cannot create "
( (transcript "Using existing icon " iconFullName)
;;; CreateICSIcon procedure
;;; Uses: icsHost name of ICS host, example chess.lm.com
;;; icsPort port number of ICS host, example 5000
;;; icsHostName name of icon to be created
;;; icsWindow window specification for the ICS window
;;; telnetProgram path of the telnet binary
;;; installDir name of installation directory
(procedure CreateICSIcon
(set iconName (tackon installDir icsHostName))
(set iconSource "AmyBoard.info")
(set iconSave 1)
(prompt (cat "Changing tooltypes of " iconHostName "icon."))
(dest iconName)
(setstack 20000)
(setdefaulttool (tackon installDir "AmyBoard"))
(settooltype "ICSHOST" icsHost)
(settooltype "ICSPORT" (cat icsPort))
(settooltype "TELNETPROGRAM" telnetProgram)
(settooltype "NOCHESSPROGRAM" "FALSE")
(settooltype "ICS" "TRUE")
(settooltype "ICSWINDOW" (icsWindow icsHost))
;;;; CreateGNUChessIcon procedure
;;;; Creates a GNU Chess icon.
;;;; Uses: installDir path of installation directory
(procedure CreateGNUChessIcon
(if (<> gnuChessPath "")
( (set iconName (tackon installDir "GNU Chess"))
(set iconSource "AmyBoard.info")
(set iconSave 1)
(prompt "Changing tooltypes of " iconName ...)
(dest iconName)
(setdefaulttool (tackon installDir "AmyBoard"))
(settooltype "NOCHESSPROGRAM" "FALSE")
(settooltype "ICS" "FALSE")
;;;; CreateDocIcon procedure
;;;; Creates a docfile's icon.
;;;; Uses: installDir path of installation directory
;;;; docFile docfile's name
(procedure CreateDocIcon
(set iconName docFile)
(set iconSource "doc/ReadMe.mui.info")
(set iconSave 0)
(if (< osVersion 39)
( (tooltype
(prompt "Changing tooltype of " iconName ...)
(dest docFile)
(setdefaulttool "Sys:Utilities/More")
( (tooltype
(prompt "Changing tooltype of " iconName ...)
(dest docFile)
(setdefaulttool "Sys:Utilities/MultiView")
(settooltype "FILETYPE" "TEXT|ASCII")
;;;; CreateGuideIcon procedure
;;;; Creates an AmigaGuide file's icon.
;;;; Uses: installDir path of installation directory
;;;; guideFile guidefile's name
(procedure CreateGuideIcon
(set iconName guideFile)
(set iconSource "doc/AmyBoard.guide.info")
(set iconSave 0)
(if (< osVersion 39)
( (tooltype
(prompt "Changing tooltype of " iconName ...)
(dest guideFile)
(setdefaulttool "Sys:Utilities/AmigaGuide")
( (tooltype
(prompt "Changing tooltype of " iconName ...)
(dest guideFile)
(setdefaulttool "Sys:Utilities/MultiView")
;;; GetGNUChessSettings procedure
;;; Asks the user for the variable gnuChessPath
(procedure GetGNUChessSettings
(set gnuChessPath "")
(set defaultGnuChessPath
(tackon (fileonly installDir) "gnuchess-4.0.pl74/gnuchessx"))
(if (askbool
(prompt "Do you have GNU Chess installed?")
(help "AmyBoard needs to know the complete path of GNU Chess, "
"if you want to play against it. Answer \"yes\" in that "
"case, \"no\" otherwise."
(default 1))
( (while (= gnuChessPath "")
( (set gnuChessPath (expandpath (askfile
(prompt "Please select the gnuchessx binary.\n\n")
(help "To play against GNU Chess you must tell AmyBoard, "
"where the gnuchessx binary is found. (Be sure, that "
"you select gnuchessx and not gnuchess, gnuchessr or "
"anything else.)\n\n"
(default defaultGnuChessPath)
; (newpath)
(set defaultGnuChessPath gnuChessPath)
(if (<> (fileonly gnuChessPath) "gnuchessx")
( (if (NOT (askbool
(prompt "You have selected a binary called "
(fileonly gnuChessPath) " and not gnuchessx.\n\n"
"Are you sure?"
(help "There are different versions of GNU Chess, "
"for example gnuchess nad gnuchessr using a "
"curses display. Only gnuchessx may be used by "
"Select \"yes\", if you are sure, \"no\" "
(default 0)))
( (set gnuChessPath "")
(select (askchoice
(prompt "Please select the memory reauirements of GNU Chess.")
(help "GNU Chess may use a variable amount of memory. More memory "
"enhances it's strength.\n\n"
(choices "about 1 MByte (-C 1001 -T 4001)"
"about 2 MByte (-C 3001 -T 20001)"
"about 2.5 MByte (-C 4001 -T 30001)"
"about 3 MByte (-C 6001 -T 40001)"
"different (you'll be asked)"
( (set gnuChessMemory "-C 1001 -T 4001")
( (set gnuChessMemory "-C 3001 -T 20001")
( (set gnuChessMemory "-C 4001 -T 30001")
( (set gnuChessMemory "-C 6001 -T 40001")
( (set gnuChessMemory (askstring
(prompt "Please enter the GNU Chess option string.")
(help "GNU Chess's memory requirements are controlled by "
"a set of options. Please read the GNU Chess docs "
"for detailed information and enter the appropriate "
"option string.\n\n"
(default "-C 6001 -T 40001")
(set gnuChessPath ("\"%s\" %s" gnuChessPath gnuChessMemory))
;;; CreateIPDialTextFiles procedure
;;; Creates files to connect to ICS using IPDial.
;;; Uses: installLibDir name of "lib" directory
;;; telnetProgram path of the IPDial binary
;;; phoneNumber remote hosts phone number
(procedure CreateIPDialTextFiles
(set icsSerialName (tackon installLibDir "ICSSerial"))
(set ipDialLoginName (tackon installLibDir "IcsLogin.IPDial"))
(set checkObsoleteFileName icsSerialName)
(prompt "Creating shell script " icsSerialName "...")
(help icsSerialName " is a shell script used as a fake terminal "
"program which calls IPDial.\n\n"
(dest icsSerialName)
(append ".key HOST/A,PORT/A\n"
".bra <\n"
".ket >\n"
"set ICSHOST \"<HOST>\"\n"
"set ICSPORT \"<PORT>\"\n"
"\"" telnetProgram "\" \"" ipDialLoginName "\"\n"
(protect icsSerialName "+s +e")
(set docFile icsSerialName)
(set checkObsoleteFileName ipDialLoginName)
(prompt "Creating IPDial script " ipDialLoginName "...")
(help ipDialLoginName " is a script executed by IPDial to "
"connect to the remote host which can connect to the "
"ICS server.\n\n"
(dest ipDialLoginName)
"; Login script to the Internet chess server; to be used by\n"
"; IPDial (Aminet, comm/tcp).\n"
"; Version 1.3, 09.03.1995\n"
"; This is a template; you need to edit this according to\n"
"; your needs so that it can dial into your remote host.\n"
"; The line below *must* be present and *must* be the first command\n"
"; line in the script. It specifies the device and the protocol to\n"
"; use. (Possible protocols are RTSCTS, XONXOFF or NONE.)\n"
" DEVICE serial.device UNIT 0 7WIRE\n"
"; Certain settings (Note, that these override the respective settings\n"
"; of the serial.prefs.)\n"
"; Possible settings are:\n"
"; BAUD Baudrate, integer\n"
"; DATABITS number of data bits, integer\n"
"; STOPBITS number of stop bits, integer\n"
"; BUFSIZE Read buffer size, integer\n"
"; PARITY one of NONE, ODD or EVEN\n"
"; These are scanned with ReadArgs(), thus you can either use the syntax\n"
"; set BAUD=38400\n"
"; or, if you prefer, this version\n"
"; set BAUD 38400\n"
"; In the first case, however, it is important, that you omit blanks.\n"
" set BAUD=38400 DATABITS=8 STOPBITS=1 BUFSIZE=4096\n"
"; Possible settings in the following line are:\n"
" set PARITY=NONE\n"
"; Show the new settings\n"
"; Send initialization command\n"
" SEND \"ATZ\\r\"\n"
"; Wait for the modems ok; break, if timeout\n"
"; Dialing ...\n"
" SEND \"" phoneNumber "\\r\"\n"
" WAIT TIMEOUT=60 \"Username: \" \"BUSY\" \"DELAYED\"\n"
"; The usual case: Our Remote is busy. :-(\n"
"; We do a delay of 30 secs (thanks, telecom :-) and dial again.\n"
" Echo \"Remote busy, delaying ...\\n\"\n"
" DELAY 30\n"
" Echo \"Trying again.\\n\"\n"
" GOTO Dial\n"
"; The following is *not* needed.\n"
"; You could well do a\n"
"; EXIT 0\n"
"; at this point and login into your remote host manually.\n"
"; Okay, we are connected. Login into the host.\n"
" SEND \"<MyLoginName>\\r\"\n"
" WAIT TIMEOUT=60 \"Password: \"\n"
" SEND \"<MyPassword>\\r\"\n"
" WAIT TIMEOUT=60 \"TS2>\"\n"
"; If we came so far, everything is fine. Tell the remote host to\n"
"; connect to the ICS and go into terminal mode, so that the user\n"
"; may enter commands.\n"
"; Note, that $ICSHOST and $ICSPORT are replaced by the respective\n"
"; environment variables. TerminalICS must set them before starting\n"
"; IPDial.\n"
" SEND \"telnet $ICSHOST $ICSPORT\\r\"\n"
" EXIT 0\n"
"; Error message: Timeout\n"
" ECHO \"\\nTimeout\\n\"\n"
" EXIT 10\n"
"; Error message: NO CARRIER\n"
" ECHO \"\\nNO CARRIER\\n\"\n"
" EXIT 10\n"
(set docFile ipDialLoginName)
(message "I have created a script file " ipDialLoginName " which will "
"be executed by IPDial to connect to the ICS.\n\n"
"This file is just a template and not usable yet. "
"You must edit it manually with your favourite text "
;;; SelectTelnetProgram procedure
;;; Creates the telnetProgram variable.
(procedure SelectTelnetProgram
(select (askchoice
(prompt "How do you want to connect to ICS?")
(help "AmyBoard allows to connect to the ICS (Internet Chess Server). "
"Of course this possibility requires Internet Access in any "
"You must not use Napsaterm or a similar program that opens its "
"own window: Instead it must read from stdin and write to stdout. "
"(You may, however, select the specifications of your ICS "
(choices "AmiTCP:bin/telnet"
"IPDial (serial line terminalprogram)"
"Other telnet or terminal program"
( (set telnetProgram "AmiTCP:bin/telnet")
( (set telnetProgram (expandpath (askfile
(prompt "Please select the IPDial binary.")
(help "AmyBoard needs to know the path of your terminal "
"program, IPDial in that case, which you must have "
"installed first. (You find this on Aminet, "
"comm/tcp directory.)\n\n"
(default "IPDial")
; (newpath)
(set phoneNumber (askstring
(prompt "Enter your modem's dial string.")
(help "IPDial needs a command to send to the modem "
"so that it can dial into your remote hosts.\n\n"
(default "ATDP07071927920")
(set telnetProgram (tackon installLibDir "IcsSerial"))
( (set telnetProgram (expandpath (askfile
(prompt "Please select your telnet or terminal program.")
(help "AmyBoard needs to know the path of the telnet or "
"terminal program. Please select it.\n\n"
; (newpath)
(default "IPDial")
(set telnetOptions (askstring
(prompt "Please enter options to put the telnet or "
"terminal program into stdin/stdout mode.\n\n"
(help "Your terminal program must not open a separate window. "
"Instead it has to read from stdin and write to stdout. "
"If you need to specify certain options for this mode, "
"you may specify them here.\n\n"
(set telnetProgram ("\"%s\" %s" telnetProgram telnetOptions))
( (set telnetProgram "")
;;; CopyAmyBoard procedure
;;; Copies required files to the installation directory.
;;; Uses: installDir installation directory
(procedure CopyAmyBoard
(set thisDir (expandpath ""))
(set n 0)
(while (set drawerName (select n installDir
( (CreateDrawer)
(set n (+ n 1))
(if (<> thisDir installDir)
( (copylib
(prompt "Copying the AmyBoard binary ...")
(source "AmyBoard")
(dest installDir)
(optional "force" "askuser")
(prompt "Copying docs ...")
(source "doc")
(dest installDocDir)
(optional "oknodelete" "askuser")
(set n 0)
(while (set docFile (select n "doc/ChangeLog"
( (set docFile (tackon installDir docFile))
(set n (+ n 1))
(set guideFile (tackon installDir "doc/AmyBoard.guide"))
;;; SelectICSServers procedure
;;; Allows the user to create ICS Icons.
;;; Uses: installDir installation directory path
;;; telnetProgram telnet binary path
(procedure SelectICSServers
(if (<> telnetProgram "")
(set icsHostChoice (askoptions
(prompt "For which ICS servers shall I create icons?")
(help "I may create icons so that you can connect to an ICS "
"server by just double-clicking the respective icon. "
"Please select the servers you are interested in.\n\n"
(choices "ICC (chess.lm.com, commercial)"
"FICS (ics.onenet.net)"
"EICS (krypton.daimi.aau.dk)"
"NLICS (dds.hacktic.nl)"
(default 7)
(set n 0)
(set hostBit 1)
(while (set icsHost (select n "chess.lm.com"
( (set icsPort (select n 5000
(set icsHostName (select n "ICC"
(if (BITAND hostBit icsHostChoice)
( (CreateICSIcon)
(set n (+ n 1))
(set hostBit (shiftleft hostBit 1))
(if (BITAND hostBit icsHostChoice)
( (set icsHost "")
(set icsHostName "")
(set icsPort 5000)
(while (set icsHost (askstring
(prompt "Enter next ICS servers hostname or IP number.\n\n"
"(Empty string if done.)"
(help "ICS servers are given by their hostname or IP "
"number. Enter the next servers name or an "
"empty string, if you don't want to create another "
"ICS icon.\n\n"
(default icsHost)))
( (set icsPort (asknumber
(prompt ("Enter the port number of %s." icsHost))
(help "The telnet program needs a so-called port "
"number to connect to the ICS host. Usually "
"the number 5000 is fine.\n\n"
(default icsPort)
(range 0 999999)
(set icsHostName (askstring
(prompt ("Enter the icon name of %s." icsHost))
(help "Enter a unique name for the icon to be "
(default icsHostName)
(if (askbool
(prompt "About to create an ICS icon\n\n"
("Name: %s\n" icsHostName)
("Host: %s\n" icsHost)
(cat "Port: " icsPort "\n")
"\n\nIs this correct?"
(help "Select \"yes\", if you want me to create "
"an icon called " icsHostName " to connect to "
"the ICS host " icsHost
(" with port %d.\n\n" icsPort)
"Select \"no\", if you want to change these "
(default 1))
( (CreateICSIcon)
(set icsHost "")
(set icsHostName "")
(set icsPort 5000)
;;; GetWindowSettings procedure
;;; Allows the user to enter a window specification.
;;; Uses: telnetProgram telnet binary path
(procedure GetWindowSettings
(if (<> telnetProgram "")
( (set icsWindow (askstring
(prompt "Enter a window specification for the ICS window.\n\n")
(help "You must enter a valid window specificattion as "
"accepted by AmigaDOS. You may, for example, replace "
"con: with kcon: to get a scrollbar.\n\n"
"A %s may be used to include the servers name into "
"the window title.\n\n"
(default "CON://640/256/ICS %s")
;;; CreatePrefsFile procedure
;;; Creates lib/AmyBoard.prefs, according to the settings entered so far.
;;; Uses: installLibDir "lib" directory path
;;; gnuChessPath gnuchessx binary path
(procedure CreatePrefsFile
(set amyBoardPrefsName (tackon installLibDir "AmyBoard.prefs"))
(set checkObsoleteFileName amyBoardPrefsName)
(prompt "Creating prefs script " textFileName "...")
(help textFileName " is a textfile containing with your default "
"settings. I will enter your choices so far, but you might "
"edit it manually later.\n\n"
(dest amyBoardPrefsName)
"; AmyBoard preferences\n"
"; Note the following:\n"
"; - Lines beginning with a ; are comments\n"
"; - Variables defining numbers may be followed by comments\n"
"; after the number; this is *not* the case for variables\n"
"; defining strings (obvious reason)\n"
"; - All these variables may be overwritten in the same manner\n"
"; by either CLI arguments or Icon tooltypes\n"
"; Color settings, -1 indicates default\n"
"; Better use the MUI prefs to select colors; change the\n"
"; settings below only, if you don't have a registered MUI\n"
"; version\n"
"whitePiecePen=-1 ; use default (MUI's SHINEPEN)\n"
"blackPiecePen=-1 ; use default (MUI's SHADOWPEN)\n"
"lightSquarePen=-1 ; use default (MUI's HALFSHINEPEN)\n"
"darkSquarePen=-1 ; use default (MUI's HALFSHADOWPEN)\n"
"; GNU Chess settings\n"
"; Memory settings:\n"
"; -C 1001 -T 4001 about 1 MByte\n"
"; -C 3001 -T 20001 about 2 MByte\n"
"; -C 4001 -T 30001 about 2.5 MByte\n"
"; -C 6001 -T 40001 about 3 MByte\n"
"firstChessProgram=" gnuChessPath "\n"
"secondChessProgram=" gnuChessPath "\n"
"; Number of moves until flag falls\n"
"; Number of minutes[:seconds] until flag falls\n"
"; child process settings, used both for GNU Chess and telnetProgram\n"
"; ICS settings\n"
"telnetProgram=" telnetProgram "\n"
"; Defining icsWindow in the prefs will make AmyBoard to open the window,\n"
"; even when running from the shell, which is probably not what you\n"
"; want, especially because the program doesn't detach. (Which can,\n"
"; however, be forced with \"run <nil: >nil:\".) Thus you better define\n"
"; icsWindow in the icon tooltypes.\n"
";icsWindow=" icsWindow "\n"
"; Miscellaneous settings\n"
(set docFile amyBoardPrefsName)
(message "I have created a prefs file " checkObsoleteFileName
" for you. This should be assumed to be a template (though "
"perfectly usable), you might wish to edit it manually "
"with your favourite text editor."
;;; main program
(transcript "Installing " installName ", Version " installVersion ".")
(set installLibDir (tackon installDir "lib"))
(set installDocDir (tackon installDir "doc"))
(complete 10)
(complete 50)
(complete 60)
(complete 70)
(complete 80)
(complete 90)
(complete 100)